Looking after the environment and having a sustainable business is at the core of not only the way we run business but how we want to live our life.
We always use sustainably farmed and ethically sourced produce and ingredients. We know our suppliers. We support them in what they do, and how they do it, farm gate to our door.
We support and utilise renewable energy whenever we can, including the installation of 13.6kw of
Solar Panels on our Retail premises, in Shenton Park. We also upgraded all our refrigeration equipment to “Ozone Friendly” gases and power efficient motors.
We also grow our own organic produce on-site in our own Circus garden, which we harvest daily and use in our catering and our wholefood Circus delights.
Wholefood Circus also;
• Recycle all our waste including, cardboard/paper, plastics and FOGO.
• Carbon Neutral Offsets on all our energy consumption
• Use Recycled materials for our Office and Administration
• Use of all Biodegradable Packaging ONLY
• Using High Efficiency Lighting throughout