mediterranean inspired flavours

new breakfast menu

Enjoy à la carte breakfast in our courtyard
event catering

grazing table

Our bespoke grazing table installations are a work of art and taste even better than they look.

Order online

From local bush tucker to imported delights. From momentous moments to corporate collaborations.

Seeking spices for a special dish? We can source even the rarest of products for your next dinner party.

Our Circus Hampers are a carnival of produce guaranteed to excite. For all occasions, or just because.

Wholesome chef-made meals that the whole family will love. Breakfast, lunch and dinner sorted.

We support community, local growers, WA producers, source uniquely Australian and International delicacies and are wildly passionate about our food.

Visit the circus store

Circus Coffee

What’s more important than good food? Good coffee. So we've partnered with local Little Owl Coffee Roasters, that source their beans ethically and sustainably.  

More about Little owl

Circus Pantry

Our shop is often referred to as an Aladdin's cave...go searching and you will find! Sourced from local and international providores.

Go online Shopping

Circus To Cook

Wholesome delicious chef-made meals that the whole family will love. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Catered for all dietary requirements.

See what's on the menu
kid & dog friendly

our circus garden

From zucchini flowers to rainbow chard, our organic veggie garden is filled with seasonal greens and citrus delights. The perfect spot to read the paper or enjoy a long table lunch.

come see the show

Located at 107 Nicholson Road in Shenton Park, we are open 7 days a week from 6am to 6pm.